From the Present to the Future
Life Changing Services...
Take a peek with Peter's FREE 'Name Profiler'. Peter created it to help sales people learn a little more about a client before they meet them so they could understand who they were about to talk to and gain better insight ahead of the game. It became popular all round the world and people use it to 'check out' that new good looker, or even know what a child is like and how to help them. The uses are unlimited.
Warning Manager and the other Profiling Tools are Unique and have powerful applications where people in groups or organisation can have a Real-Time insight of events ahead at a glance. Annual, Month and Daily activity can be gauged for any individual, family, group, school, sport event, public management gathering, flight safety, public performance risk management and more.
This Rolls Royce Profiling Service is unmatched when used to Pre-View people's plans and highlight any concerns in time enough to mitigate problems that may otherwise bring regret.
​​​Subscribers can use our services alerting them to future matters they'd rather know about than not. Opportunities captured, problems avoided. Our system, like a radar, scans ahead giving you control over unseen events giving you an advantage.
Profiler was developed for you. To see more clearly the path ahead giving you control. Better to see the potholes ahead than drive right into one. The once unexpected, can now be seen. Future proof using Vaughan Code, a service like no other.
Facts are forever changing, and laws governing opposites exists too. So, hindsight and foresight must exist too and Peter Vaughan found it.
Learning to read the future took most of Peter's life and he's still breaking ground improving and researching. The hard part has been done and he's here to help you with Potential Present and Future Problems, providing a means to navigate through challenges or avoid them before they manifest. Form Plans, and Decision Making, your life, love, wealth and health are yours to enjoy. Join Peter on a journey of insight and enlightenment. His discovery will make the future a better place for all, and it starts here with Vaughan Code.