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Milestone 01

This Milestone teaches people to grasp a wide understanding of the bricks and mortar that form the foundation of Numerology and advanced Lettrology. Numbers, letters, birth day, full birth date, First name, full name, vowels in the name, placement of vowels, are all components that make for unique combinations with people, even twins. The purpose of this training program is to learn how they interconnect to gain a better understanding of 'what makes me tick'.


​Module 1 covers the numbers themselves from 1 to 9 and zero as related all areas of a people’s birth date and their names. This Module provides an in-depth description of those numbers, the benefits they offer, and potential pitfalls a number may identify if found in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though positive and negative terms are used, it is the relationship between the position a is found that alters its affect or effect when considering neighboring numbers or letters. How we perceive opportunity, determines our outcome. 



The first letter of your first name has significant influence over you. This section explores the alphabet in its entirety and discusses each letter to provide the student with knowledge of how their personality has been formed. Letters sequenced in a name or word provide so much information it is uncanny how names and words affect people the way they do. We are now building pictures using letters combined with the numbers that represent them.



​The Day on which you were born has a great deal of influence over the formation of your habits. The day of your birth is 24 hours long, the month of your birth is at least 28 to 31 days long and therefore you’d think this has more influence over you. But in this Module you will see why your birth day is like a drum beat that pulses every 9 days for 41 times a year. This has more repeated impact than the month energy and proves that repeated things form habits. Learn about your habit as other people see it all the time.



This section teaches you the correct way to add your birth date and it important you get it right as there may be combinations that result in a manner that Identify you have potential you have not known about. The number that identifies your Natural Skills and Talents is the result of the entire birth date.


Even though this section discusses the numbers 1-9, as in milestone 2, pretext or compound numbers add spice to your abilities and set the time clock of your life from the very start when you were born.



People’s names are the primary cause of up to three qualities of your personality development. The First Name is the most impacting and becomes the core quality of everything you and is the most resonant frequency you have that leads your life like an arrowhead followed by the shaft and tail feathers.


Once you have knowledge of the importance of your First Name, you will begin to understand how you lead the way to your Destiny. This is one of your main attributes that causes people of like mind to stand beside you, a quality good to know about when seeking romance.



Consider your association with other people and events you had with them from your past. As an example there may be several people you know with the name Amy or William, but when you isolate any one of them by adding their surname you will then notice a difference between one Amy and another, or a William and a Bill, being the shortened name for William.


​Any person’s Called Name when analysed using formulas in this training module, will provide you with a very clear understanding of what this person is like. Personality Profiling of anyone, past, present or someone you have yet to meet can be achieved by analysing what their Called Name means. In many ways the Called Name relates to how other people see you when they first meet you. The next step, The Whole Name has more depth…



The Law governing Cause and Effect is to be respected as this is where the Full Name you were given at birth is like a compass point that always nudges, silently directing you toward your true Destiny, waiting your arrival.


Your Whole Name provides your unique reason, the purpose for your life. It holds your resonant identity (frequency), and with that fact, the world comes to know who you really are and what you are capable of. We are all placed on the stage of observation where all see and judge you by the vibrational energy you present to the world.

​​Your full name therefore becomes your true identity hidden under the initial Mask people perceive was your character and Personality, but your Full Name slowly evolves, rises to the surface, and this is who you really are.



Vowels hold the secrets to your primary emotions. Once you reach maturity, it becomes obvious by your ‘interests’, revealed by the things you hold dear and decorate your home, car, office and even the interior decor of your living quarters. The Vowels a like a magnet that draw your attention to follow your heart interests.


Separating the Vowels from the consonants of the alphabet and learning how it is these special letters work on your subconscious, reveals to you the reasons why you have a passion or strong interest in a field of your liking. Vowels are the seasoning, the icing on the cake that makes you feel good about you. The Vowels need to be well understood as they have the ‘silent’ power to control your heart over your head and this can lead to difficulties if not controlled, i.e. the heart often controls the head and can mess with clear thinking.



The Ultimate Goal is your supreme target, the finish line of your life’s purpose. All the experiences you gained over the years, began to shape your thoughts about what it is you really want over all that is not so important after all. The Ultimate Goal is your reason and purpose of your being here.


​You are the driver of your vehicle, your vehicle is your Body. Mind and body must work together to become finetuned and strong. The journey you began from the time of your birth, depended on how well you came to know your body, it’s capabilities, and how well you came to know your-self, your Mind, as Mind Over Matter is the equation for success.

Get in Touch

Are you ready to modify your life’s engine, to take the map of your life and know when to go, slow, stop and move ahead at the right time? If you say yes to this, then be ready to learn how to read the future and you will have it proven to you that this works, and it does work.

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