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What is Lettrology Training?
"to read any person like a book"

​This is something science has not ever taken into consideration and nothing that Artificial Intelligence can touch. The future is not something AI can "imagine" that's why Lettrology is so much further ahead, it can map the future, superseding imagination and seeing reality before it unfolds over time.


To read any person like a book and their future is a wild idea indeed, yet it can be done, it has been done and it can be taught, hence my courses and you can get introductory information free for the asking.​


For people who have delved in Numerology, the study of how numbers reveal the beat of time like a musical notes on a time/play scale, Vaughan Code Numerology and Lettrology take the student to another level as never seen before.


Four and a half decades support this advanced training course. To stretch a person's life across a page and read every step of the way without intervention of any privacy breaches, is untouchable, or was.


The final level of Peter Vaughan's work opens the doors where connections between the physical and the intangible come together and it is absolutely fascinating. Lettrology is the future tool mankind can now get that sheds light on what has never been able to be seen by man before.


Get into Lettrology with Peter

Lettrology: a tool, like radar, able to see what lies ahead through the darkness of time only ever imagined possible.


Computers have a variety of languages to write software for laptops, cell phones and gaming, this language is an on/off, 1 & 0 program. Humans have a variety of languages too and we need to either learn different languages or get a translator to understand what other people are talking about before we can act or respond. Our language runs on 26 letters and 10 digits incl. zero.


Your brain has four biological programs: (1) body system operations, (2) emotional response program, (3) conscious awareness program and (4) a low frequency intuition program that most people don't use enough.


Lettrology describes the biological software program that Peter Vaughan discovered and has created a mapping tool that can help everyone know their purpose, reason, what they should be doing in life and when for best results, and how to overcome problems on the horizon before they can interfere with your life. This is what Lettrology is.  

Milestone 01

The Beginning

Each number is like a letter in a word or name, it is a component that builds a numerical language. When you learn what the language numbers reveal, you will understand that numbers and letters are transposable, and words can be turned into their numerical equivalent to reveal hidden information.

Milestone 02

Advanced Numerology and Lettrology

When the chart has been created with a person’s full name and birth date it becomes a matrix of letters and numbers. However, you need to know how to approach the chart and where to start reading from it.

Milestone 03

A degree in Human Behaviour

It is where you will be shown how Numerology and Lettrology are linked to your Psyche and physiology. It provides the bigger picture and dispels some myths and allows you to understand the bigger picture.

Ready for Transformation ?

Many ask that question, as well as things like money, love, career, health, buying a home, having kids, naming kids, travel, winning lotto and so forth.​

My training provides all the answers for all your questions and they are not wishy washy answers. 

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