Yes they work, but most don't know how they work so it comes back to the old saying...
"If all else fails, read the instructions" Right?
What instructions?
I understand the Universe to be an orderly place, and you and I are incredible creatures walking the planet with an inbuilt hospital, food processing plant, waste removal system, and the ability to change things in our environment, so why not change your future by using Affirmations That Work?

Affirmations need to follow an orderly process before they can manifest. So, when you hold an idea or image of what you want to have change in your life, you must be in complete harmony with how
you express your affirmations, i.e. say them. You also need to know when the desired affirmations are going to land for you.
Watch the video and get in touch for the means and method to make your affirmations work for you specifically.
The instructions I mentioned above are unique to you, and because you are one of the eight billion people on the planet, a separate individual, your affirmations must fit you and not be open for discussion or variation or they will never be delivered as requested.
Here is a short link giving you some hints: Manifest what you want when you want.