Anything artificial is fake, not real, that's what the word means. Intelligence is only available in living things. Man made the machine, the machine did not, nor ever could, make a man.
If you break down A and I into their primary bases, A is the 1st letter of the English Alphabet, and the letter i is the 9th letter. If 1 + 9 = 10 you have a 1 and a Zero. 1 and 0, the total base language of software code and it relies on electrical power to function.
In contrast, the human brain is programmed (referring to English) with 26 letters and 10 digits, 36 in total, that's an additional 34 more bits of extra coding tools that run the human brain and it has a conscious which AI does not. AI stops working when the switch is turned off or the battery runs out. Artificial Intelligence can't think as humans do. It is not intelligent because it is artificial, nothing but a clever tool, but otherwise, quite dumb.
Humans on the other hand, create their own electricity to run their body and use a code system based on 2.3 billion bits of code per biological neuron (better than a micro-chip) and there are several trillion of these clever living neurons all working together with the ability to see the future on the screen of the mind, inside human heads.
My interest on what makes humans think has revealed, there is too much emphasis and money spent on making PLC's (programmable Logic controllers), that do wonderful work such as putting labels on bottles or turning lights from green to amber to red at time-controlled switch-activated traffic lights. Machines don't think, robots can't think, only humans think and are aware we of thinking, this makes us human.
To think what is for dinner tonight is something AI is incapable of. One has to wonder when the machine-learning programmers wake up and realise that their 1's and 0 modeling computers, can never see the future. For this to happen, imagination is required and that's a human thing. AI is an advanced calculator and calculators are not intelligent.
This is why the Frankenstein technocrat idiots want to bridge human thinking to a computer to give it the link to life as humans know it. This shows how dumb they are. Humans have an essence, a 'Me' inside our mostly carbon bodies. When human's die, the essence of life (the Me factor), exits the body, and any mechanical machine technology even if it is implanted in a human body, is left behind to rust. Machines don't have the essence-luxury. Once the power runs out, it stops.
This is why I like my discovery where our brain can imagine tomorrow's world, a future based faculty, an idea, a dream, something machines cannot do. I call it Lettrology, and with this discovery, I can help anyone see what tomorrow brings for them at any time in the future and prove it. Who needs AI when we have Vaughan Code?
