1. Without nourishment and reproduction life ceases to exist on the planet in a matter of days. Then there's Sanitation, Shelter, Health and 'Money'. Why money?
2. Money comes from people working and the work we do is rewarded equally with a sum of money.​
3. It is true, you don't know. Natures laws provide you with Money when you KNOW how to apply your Natural skills the best way you can. Money is reward for work done, and more money comes from working smarter not harder. You are smarter than you think.
​​​4. If you'd enjoy earning more and live the way Nature intended, then you need the best information on yourself and know how to apply it. THAT'S WHAT LETTROLOGY and NUMEROLOGY OFFER so you can do better.
5. The Vaughan Code is not gobbledygook and provides evidence Numerology works to help you break through the barriers of the unknown. Lettrology is new technology you can use to get more of the things you want out of your life.
6. Thinking requires words. Words are made from letters of alphabets. Numbers help us with time and calculations in a structured fashion. You can't THINK without either of them, that's just a fact. Lettrology, IS A NEW KEY that opens the door to you gaining all you want from what you are capable of, once you know who you are and how to succeed. School doesn't teach this.
7. Vaughan Code is a way to overcome a poor education system. Teachers have no idea of your true capabilities, and this is why the most successful people often had the poorest results at school. The products and services provided on this site tell you more about you than any teacher or parent could. They got it wrong. You deserve better. Welcome to the Vaughan Code.