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Fast Track NUMEROLOGY for 2025 !
Sometimes you need a Navigator to get you through Life.

Peter Vaughan's Numerology does just that. He guides you along the road ahead so you can see what others overlook. No longer get lost down the dark road of your  future. Peter turns the spot light on, so you can dodge the pot holes of life and find the winning path you have been looking for... Peter puts your destiny in your hands. Numerology You've never Seen Before! 


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New Years Resolutions work !


But if you don't know how to make them work, it will help to read the Instruction Manual.


The Universe is an orderly place and so to change things in your life you must adjust the rules to allow the universe to change the flow of energy for your changes to happen. Follow the method where I tell you how to do this and let the Universe do the rest.


Resolutions work because your brain literally talks to the Universe. So use your brain to order the things you want. It will deliver.


My short video hints how: Manifest what you want when you want.​



1. Without nourishment and reproduction life ceases to exist on the planet in a matter of days. Then there's Sanitation, Shelter, Health and 'Money'. Why money?


2. Money comes from people working and the work we do is rewarded equally with a sum of money.​


3. It is true, you don't know. Natures laws provide you with Money when you KNOW how to apply your Natural skills the best way you can. Money is reward for work done, and more money comes from working smarter not harder. You are smarter than you think.


​​​4. If you'd enjoy earning more and live the way Nature intended, then you need the best information on yourself and know how to apply it. THAT'S WHAT LETTROLOGY and NUMEROLOGY OFFER so you can do better.


5. The Vaughan Code is not gobbledygook and provides evidence Numerology works to help you break through the barriers of the unknown. Lettrology is new technology you can use to get more of the things you want out of your life.


6. Thinking requires words. Words are made from letters of alphabets. Numbers help us with time and calculations in a structured fashion. You can't THINK without either of them, that's just a fact. Lettrology, IS A NEW KEY that opens the door to you gaining all you want from what you are capable of, once you know who you are and how to succeed. School doesn't teach this.


7. Vaughan Code is a way to overcome a poor education system. Teachers have no idea of your true capabilities, and this is why the most successful people often had the poorest results at school. The products and services provided on this site tell you more about you than any teacher or parent could. They got it wrong. You deserve better. Welcome to the Vaughan Code.




*HR Companies




Numerology is real, Peter proved it. The tens of thousands of numerologists in the world, need to learn how it works.


​​​​People from all levels of society can benefit from Peter's knowledge as it helps people improve the quality of their life. This is what the Vaughan Code is designed to do. It fixes future issues before they have a chance to unfold and screw things up.

Lettrology can be used to view the past and future from the present point in time, i.e. as you're reading this.


It took a while to to discover. It was Blind Tested in a maximum security prison, and scrutinized by specialists and senior personnel in military organisations in secret.


A top rated Television series, "The Profilers" and a several time popular guest on NZ's largest radio network, Newstalk ZB where I caused a total telecoms shutdown due to overloading 'at 2am' was unheard of but people wanted to get online.


Learning Numerology requires but its not difficult to learn, interestingly, its a natural science and has been around for thousands of years, approved for use in Genesis and Revelations so it's not new.

Concrete Wall


Peter Vaughan invented the Vaughan Code. Bob Proctor was so impressed he wanted his CEO Sandra Gallagher, former senior banking lawyer in America to meet Peter personally. To Sandra's amazement, Peter was able to track events in her past no one could have known of. 


Now you can gain personal access to him for private consultations anywhere in the world wherever you have access to a screen. Without doubt, Peter has discovered something the world has been seeking and it does not matter if it has to do with past, present or future. Peter's talent is a world first and he will provide advice giving you an advantage, and what to do for best outcomes. An hour with Peter and your life will be in your control.


Peter Vaughan provides personal and online consultations anywhere in the world online, for personal or business support. Even Bob Proctor called on Peter for advice and insights. So, if you need help to resolve a problem and want real insight not available elsewhere, contact Peter and talk to him, you'll be surprised at how much he knows be it personal, staffing, health, romantic insights, buying, selling or you just wanting to know about things of the past or what's ahead for you.
Going Over Data

Improvent Tools

If you could gain higher efficiency in any areas of your working life, domestic situations or just want to improve your lot because you have tried everything else and are looking for that special edge to get ahead, then Vcode is your next, and last door you need to knock on.
We have the tools and methodology to identify your current situation, fix what is wrong and get you up and running once more.


Lettrology Degree

Become an expert in Lettrologyâ„¢ and learn this life changing skill that comes like anything else one studies and puts into practice.
Lettrology™ literally means and identifies how, letters and numbers are the only TOOLS THAT ENABLE YOU THE POWER TO THINK! Lettrology is the knowledge that identifies how your personality was formed, it identifies who you will attract naturally into your life and what areas you should stay far away from for your own good. 

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Thanks for the explanation, makes perfect sense, you are a great teacher and really good at explaining things and helping me to put things into perspective.


Thanks so much for my personal report which I have read several times and said, wow, out loud several times while reading. 


... well what can I say?!....thank you so much for taking the time to complete my chart AND Pauls, I am so happy with them and will refer to them often for study and contemplation.


You have given me confirmation on what I feel and believe is possible. 


Lettrology in Action

The Beginning

Effect of Lettrology on Personal Development.

Application of Lettrology to numerous fields

Vaughan Code in Business

Courtesy of Alex Kotzev.

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Vaughan Code

From the Present to the Future


© 2024 by Peter Vaughan.

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1/16 Bridge Street,

Nelson 7010

New Zealand

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